FREE TO DECIDE. Transition from guardianship to Supported Decision Making for persons with disabilities

About the project

The project aims to increase the capacity of persons with mental disabilities, stroke and dementia to exercise their rights and to maximise their autonomy. The project will develop and pilot four models of supported decision making services in collaboration with public and private social service providers. These services will be promoted at the legislative level as an alternative to guardianship measures. People with disabilities, their families, NGOs representatives, personal assistants, caregivers will be trained in applying supported decision making tools. The right to be included in the community and social inclusion will be promoted through an advocacy campaign by informing, counselling and representing persons with disabilities before the competent authorities, and by lodging legal actions before courts.
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CLR amendments rejected by the Romanian Senate without a thorough analysis | Social Assistance Legislation on the Protection of Elderly and/or Persons with Disabilities 20.12.2023 - In July this year, we reported on the degrading treatment and inhumane conditions in which residents with disabilities and elderly persons were kept at the Căsuța Lu’ Min social care home in Bârdești, Mureș county. At the same time, the control actions of the CLR made it possible to put an end to the abuses...
UN Committee Against Torture: CRJ answers questions on complaints mechanisms, deaths and involuntary commitment 17.07.2023 - Today, 17 July, our colleague Georgiana Pascu participated in a special hearing at the 77th meeting of the UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) on the implementation in Romania of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The Committee was surprised that the CRJ was the only non-governmental human rights...
CLR urges the Labour Minister, Marius Constantin Budăi, to resign 9.07.2023 - Open letter to Mr. Marcel Ciolacu, Prime Minister, Government of Romania Dear Prime Minister, The Center for Legal Resources (CLR), a non-governmental human rights organization, founded in 1998 by the Open Society Foundation (Soros), has been running the “Advocate for Dignity” programme since October 2003. In almost 20 years, CLR has been the only organization...
The Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) knows the legislation and the social assistance standards for institutionalized persons with disabilities, better then competent authorities 4.07.2023 - DIICOT has become more familiar with the legislation and with the social assistance standards for institutionalized persons with disabilities than the competent authorities have. The recent raids in social care homes (some being private, but financed by public money) where adults and elderly persons with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities are confined (Vrancea, Park Lake Bucharest)...
I AM LULI – 3 representations, 400 people – disability justice and art 26.05.2023 - Bucharest, 4 May 2023 – Odeon Theater “I am Luli and this is my voice” – actress Anda Saltelechi has repeated many times. The ending of this play still haunts me. She tried to shout for every person now locked up in a social or psychiatric institution. There is a need for many more halls...
Romania, the only EU State that did not report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. What are we risking? 7.02.2022 - UPDATE: In February, Romania did send in the end the country report on the measures taken to implement its obligations unde the CRPD. Yet, the aforementioned report wasn’t made public prior to its sending, making it impossible for it to be put under public debate, as it should had been under the CRPD. The full...
The case of Ms. G.S., the resident with disabilities from CIA Zătreni, Vâlcea – the authorities’ responses. 19.01.2022 - Context: On November 23 2021, the Center for Legal Resources (CLR) received a telephone referral regarding the case of a young woman with intellectual and sensory (visual) disabilities, Mrs. S.G., who had been suffering from a femoral fracture for four months, occured in the Care and Assistance Center (CIA) in the commune of Zătreni, Vâlcea...
OPEN LETTER: Georgiana, a human or just a number? 3.12.2021 - UPDATE 13 JANUARY 2022: A month and a half after the CLR complaint on the case of Mrs. G.S., disabled resident institutionalized in the Care and Assistance Centre (CIA) in Zătreni, jud. Vâlcea, we received responses from 5 authorities: The National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Children and Adoptions (ANDPDCA), the National...

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