AdaptJust- Accessible Justice for people with disabilities
The general objective of the project is to improve the implementation of the ECtHR and the CoE Committee of Ministers regarding the rights of the persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities deprived of their freedom. The project will increase the capacity of the magistrates and the civil society to defend the rights of the persons with disability, will pilot five actions within a mechanism of protection and will propose an Action Plan to prevent the inhuman, degrading and ill treatments in the state administered institutions where the persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities are placed.
Free to Decide. Transition from guardianship to Supported Decision Making for persons with disabilities
The project aims to increase the capacity of persons with mental disabilities, stroke and dementia to exercise their rights and to maximize their autonomy. The project will develop and pilot four models supported decision making services in collaboration with public and private social service providers.
LITI-GATE. Strategic Litigation as a Gateway to address the rights of Persons with Disabilities in the European Union
The LITI-GATE project – Strategic Litigation as a Gateway to address the rights of Persons with Disabilities in the European Union – brings together 6 partners from 5 countries with the aim to promote enforcement of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights with strategic litigation activities to address breaches of the fundamental rights of persons with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities.
Ensure the protection and safety of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities in risk situations. Advocate for the right to live independently and the right to health.
The project aims at improving the legal and institutional framework on the protection of rights of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities and their right to live independently in the community, improving respect for the right to health for the most vulnerable groups of people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities (persons living in congregated facilities, deprived of their liberty or in rural and remote locations) and developing the capacity of the relevant stakeholders in administrative, judiciary and civil society to act for the protection of the fundamental rights of persons with disabilities.
Innovating European lawyers to advance the rights of children with disabilities
Death Camps Next to You
Access to justice for children with mental disabilities
The project aims to ensure access to justice for children with mental disabilities, building on existing guidance and standards related to children, victims of crime and adults with intellectual disabilities.
THE PRACTICAL SCHOOL: Innovation in higher education and success on the labor market
Main objective: Extending the learning opportunities through the Practical School – essential factor for promoting the innovation in higher education, regarding the increase in competitivity and insertion of graduates on the labor market.