Annual reports
About us
- About CLR
- Advocate for dignity
- About the Programme
- Access to justice for children with mental disabilities
- AdaptJust- Accessible Justice for people with disabilities
- Child-friendly Justice – Developing the Concept of Social Court Practices
- Collaboration Protocols
- Completed Projects: Advocate for Dignity
- “Adocate for Dignity” – Campaign for promotion and protection of fundamental rights of persons with intellectual disabilities
- “Advocate for Dignity” Coalition
- Development and application of monitoring mechanisms on Government actions in the field of protecting the rights of the people with mental disabilities within healthcare and social institutions in Romania
- Human rights and advocacy – tools for institutional reform to protect young people with mental disabilities and/or HIV+/AIDS infected
- Independent monitoring of detention institutions
- Legal and ethical aspects in clinical research in mental health institutions for children and adults
- COVID-19 response: protection and prevention of children and adults with disabilities in public care and professionals and caregivers
- Ensure the protection and safety of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities in risk situations. Advocate for the right to live independently and the right to health.
- FREE TO DECIDE. Transition from guardianship to Supported Decision Making for persons with disabilities
- FREE TO DECIDE. Transition from guardianship to Supported Decision Making for persons with disabilities
- LITI-GATE – Strategic Litigation as a Gateway to address the rights of Persons with Disabilities in the European Union
- Media Advocacy
- Mobile Legal Clinic
- Monitoring reports and the authorities’ answers
- Strategic Litigation: Advocate for Dignity
- The Practical School – Innovation in higher education and success on the labour market
- Voices for Justice – Communicating with Victims of Crime with Disability
- Anti-discrimination
- About the Programme
- Anti-discrimination Resources
- Closing the circle – Roma housing vulnerability and the interests in the field of housing
- Completed Projects: Anti-discrimination
- Education without discrimination is also my business
- Multi-regional network of counselling services on anti-discrimination issues aiming at the social inclusion of persons discriminated against
- Non-discrimination, beyond words
- Ongoing Projects
- Publications and reports
- Strategic litigation: Anti-discrimination
- CHAT for victims
- Contact
- Death Camps Next to You
- Get involved!
- Home
- HOME – Helping Others Move Forward, Support and Empowerment Services
- Human Rights Monitoring Reports
- Human Rights Situation, Up to Date
- Innovating European lawyers to advance rights of children with disabilities
- INTEGRIS Project: Integrated Support for Human Rights
- INTERSECT – Changing the narrative of discrimination
- Justice for victims with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities
- Mindful Justice: Aligning Police Practices and State Accountability
- News
- Press Center
- Public Integrity
- About the Programme
- Completed Projects: Public Integrity
- Building the watchdog capacity of local NGOs to monitor the implementation of anti-corruption measures and exercising the right to justice
- Developing advocacy capacity of local non-governmental organizations
- Developing capacity of the NGOs to fight against corruption
- Ethics adviser: balance and integrity in the public administration
- Improving the professional skills in local government in the field of project management and procurement
- Together for integrity and good governance
- Corruption in EU financed projects: a review of corruption schemes, prevention mechanisms and investigation strategies (CEP)
- Payback – Towards a EU Data Management System for Seized Assets
- Publications: Public Integrity
- Publications
- Sitemap
- Strategic Litigation