General Objective:
The PAYBACK project will develop and test in selected MS an innovative Data Management System for seized assets. The PAYBACK DMS is intended to be a scalable ICT tool – transferable with adaptations to different EU national contexts – for the collection, management and automatic analysis of data on seized assets.
Specific objecties:
- to map existing databases and Data Management Systems (DMS) for seized assets in the EU and identify strong and weak points;
- to understand stakeholders’ needs in terms of management of seized assets in the EU;
- to develop the software prototype of an innovative DMS for seized assets;
- to pilot test the PAYBACK DMS prototype in selected countries and refine it;
- to disseminate the projects’ findings.
Expected results
- comparative report on the existing national databases and DMS on seized assets;
- stakeholders’ needs report in terms of management of seized assets;
- university lectures and presentations at relevant national/international conferences;
- Payback DMS prototype;
- user guide/manual for the Payback DMS prototype;
- guidelines for transferability of the Payback DMS prototype;
- report on the piloting of the Payback DMS.
- University of Trento (UNITRENTO)
- Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD), Bulgaria;
- The National Institute for Advanced Studies in Security and Justice (INHESJ), France;
- Centrul de Resurse Juridice (CRJ), Romania;
- Consiglio nazionale dei dottori commercialisti e degli esperti contabili (CNDCEC), Italy.
Associate partners
- Agence de gestion et de recouvrement des avoirs saisis et confisques, AGRASC (FR);
- Criminal Assets Bureau, CAB (IR);
- Commission for Illegal Assets Forfeiture, CIAF (BG);
- Central Office for Seizure and Confiscation, COSC (BE);
- Asset Management Section, Ministry of Interior (CZ);
- Rome Tribunal (IT).
Duration: 15.01.2016 – 15.07.2018 (30 months)
Donor: European Commission, Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs
Total eligible budget CLJ: 70,262.62 (EU grant: EUR 63,210.66)