The VICToRIIA – Best Practices in Victims’ Support: Referrals, Information, Individual Assessment project, funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020), is based on two sets of objectives and problems, relating to: 1) the practical implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU stablishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime (the Victims Directive) – in particular articles 4 and 8; and 2) the operation of victim support services. Its main target group is represented by law enforcement agencies, victim support organizations, specialised lawyers for crime victims and other stakeholders engaged in victims’ support.
The major objectives are to:
- a) ensure that victims of crime in Lithuania, Romania, Italy and Portugal have access to and are offered tailored victim support services suited to their needs; and
- b) ensure that the results of the project will be available and transferrable to situations across Europe.
The Project will achieve its objectives through: a) developing an individual assessment process to determine the support needs of victims; b) strengthening partnerships between support organisations and between those organisations and the police; c) developing referral mechanisms, founded on secure communication channels, which can be used between support organisations and/or between the police and those organisations; d) establishing an information package for victims on their rights, the impact of victimisation and on the victim services which exist in the States of the partner organisations.
The project is coordinated by Centre for Crime Prevention (NPLC, Lithuania), in partnership with Vilnius Institute for Advanced Studies (VILIAS, Lithuania), Victim Support Europe (VSE, Belgium), The Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV, Portugal), Associazione LIBRA Onlus (LIBRA, Italy), Center for Legal Resources (CLR, Romania), The Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius City Municipality Administration (VMSA, Lithuania) and Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau (LKPB, Lithuania).
It started in 2017 and shall end in February 2020.