About the project:
People with disabilities are confronted with a reduced access to the justice system than others when they need to signal an injustice or a breach of their rights. In this context, it becomes necessary to eliminate all the legislative and technical obstacles so that people with disability can have a total access to the mechanisms that could allow them to file complaints in the courts of justice. The actual legal framework does not allow to adapt the administrative procedures that come with the act of justice nor the access to legal assistance or to a free or at least cheaper legal representation. At the same time, the persons working in the justice system are not trained to understand the needs of the persons with disabilities making these persons become vulnerable in their efforts to access justice.
Today, Romania has around 17.500 persons with disabilities that are still in the state’s specialised institutions and around 56,6 percent have a mental disability. The UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD), ratified in Romania through the Law no. 221/2010, recognises the right of all these persons to have free access to justice, equally to others, and forces the Romanian authorities to implement the necessary measures to train all the actors involved in the act of justice.
The project is implemented by the Center of Legal Resources in partnership with The Public Ministry – The Prosecutor’s office of The High Court of Justice and benefits from a grant of 1.324.994 € offered by Island, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants. The aim of this project is to facilitate the access to justice for the persons with intellectual disabilities and/or with mental health problems. The project is financially supported by the EEA Grants 2014-2021.
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