CLR’s submissions pursuant to Rule9 (2) | Committee of Ministers – published by the Council of Europe

CLR’s submissions to the Committee of Ministers, pursuant to Rule9, para. 2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee of Ministers on the Supervision of the Execution of Judgments of the ECHR, have been published on the Council of Europe website. Both communications can be read, in English, at the links below:

In each of the two communications, the CRJ experts addressed a number of issues in Romania concerning the rights of persons with disabilities, concluding with a series of recommendations.

We look forward to the meeting of the Committee of Ministers in June 2023, when we hope that all these decisions will be considered.

Given the low level of interest in this subject among social and mental health authorities, and the fact that Romania’s last communication on this issue was superficial, we hope that the Committee’s decisions will act as a catalyst and allow for a “different” future.