The rights of the persons with mental disabilities debated duting an international conference
CLR and the Romanian League for Mental Health organized on the 22nd October, in Bucharest, the international conference „Monitoring of the compliance with the rights and liberties of the persons committed to healthcare and social establishments for people with mental disabilities”, ocasion on which was debated the situation of these patients nationwide in terms to the degree to which the medical and social asistance staff from the respective units know and respect the rights of these patients.
All then was released the “Report concerning the observance of the rights and liberties of persons committed to healthcare and social establishments for people with mental disabilities”. The report said that psychiatric hospitals and medical social assistance units for persons with mental disabilities are far from achieving decent living conditions and treatment for patients.
The conference was attended by the heads of the central authorities, managers of psychiatric hospitals, of the county public health directorates, of the general directorates for social assistance and child protection, by the representatives of the College of Physicians in Romania, of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, of the Embassy of the United States and of the civil society.The conference was also attended by representatives of the media.
The monitoring of these institutions was undertook within the project “The Development and the application of mechanisms to monitoring the government actions in the field of protection of rights of persons with mental disabilities in health care and social assistance institutions in Romania”, funded by the the European Union through the PHARE 2006 Program, “ Increasing the role of the civil society in the integration process of Romania “, Component 2 – “Democracy, consumer protection, social dialogue, gender issues and employment”.