The “Human Rights Situation, Up to Date” project aims to increase citizens’ awareness of human rights, equal treatment and the rule of law in Romania and to strengthen the capacity of civil society and opinion makers/professionals, by creating the necessary tools and access to expertise, to identify, report and challenge human rights violations, institutional practices that are detrimental to human rights, and gaps in legislation and law enforcement.
After 20 years of experience and the signing of numerous international human rights documents that have become domestic law, Romania has still not achieved the valorisation of the adopted norms and has major gaps in their implementation. Most affected are groups vulnerable to discrimination and hate crimes (women, Roma, persons with disabilities, etc.); and the rule of law, including access to justice. It is relevant that in the Law Faculty of the University of Bucharest, the human rights course is optional, while in the National Institute of Magistracy it does not exist at all.
Main activities:
- Monitoring of legislative initiatives, i.e. formal but also informal (media and social media) debates in society, with publication of independent views on human rights issues and from an access to rights perspective;
- Training sessions on the protection of vulnerable groups and the rule of law (laws governing the judiciary, criminal procedural law with a focus on victims’ rights, the right to a fair trial, access to information of public interest);
- Organisation of debates on human rights issues;
- Elaboration of 6 proposals on the improvement of legislation, law enforcement and implementation framework from a human rights perspective;
- Strategic human rights litigation/equal treatment.
The project is implemented by the Centre for Legal Resources (CLR) and benefits from a 116,200 euro non-reimbursable grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Grants 2014-2021.
The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at
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