Objective of the project: Improving the equal access to the labor market of the women and persons belonging to the vulnerable groups, by raising awareness on the principle of equal opportunities and gender and its application to the staff working in the local public administration, to social partners, NGOs, experts and media representatives from 6 counties and 5 development regions: Center Region (Alba, Sibiu), North-Western Region (Bistrita, Maramures), South-Western Region (Doj), South Muntenia Region (Arges) and Bucharest Ilfov (Bucharest).
Target group – unions, employers, managers and staff of the local public authorities, NGOs, experts, journalists, employees, victims of the discrimination
– Analysis of the legal and institutional framework in the field of equal opportunities and gender in Romania, of the professional training needs of the staff working in the local public authorities, unions, employers and NGOs in 6 counties, in parallel with the analysis of the anti-discrimination functioning of the mediation service in Italy
– The application of 600 questionnaires to persons representing the target group within the 6 counties in order to identify the level of awareness regarding the issue of equal opportunities and gender
– Conclusion of partnerships with the local public authorities, social partners and local NGOs (town halls, prefectures, General Directorates of Social Assistance and Child Protection, the County Offices for the Employment, DMPS, ASP, regional offices ANR, ARD etc)
– Conducting of information campaigns and raising awareness regarding equal opportunities and gender in the 6 counties
– Development and implementation of the specific training programs for persons belonging to the target group within the 6 counties, in the field of equal opportunities and gender – 1000 persons are to benefit from these training sessions
– Opening a central information office in the location of the applicant
– Opening 6 local anti discrimination centers in 5 development regions
– Monitoring and assessment
– National conference and press conference
Partners: National Council for Fighting Discrimination, Giacomo Brodolini Foundation
Running period of the project: September 2009 – May 2012
Funding: European Social Fund, through Operational Sectorial Program – the Human Resources Development (POS DRU)
SEF: 4.087.356,00 RON (without VAT), the equivalent of 98% of the total eligible amount
Project’s website: www.nondiscriminare.ro
From CLR:
Georgiana Pascu – Project Manager
Delia Nita – Technical Manager