Closing the circle – Roma housing vulnerability and the interests in the field of housing

Objective: The project aims to investigate causes and effects of precarious housing for Roma in Romania, and Roma women in particular, also in correlation with potential state-capture indicators


  1. Coalition building – identifying relevant actors at local level and closing partnerships with NGOs;
  2. Training together journalists and human rights activists;
  3. Investigating causes and effects of precarious housing on the affected Roma communities – fieldwork. Five case-studies drafted by the trainees in the previous activity, working in teams.
  4. Media and social media campaign on the basis of the case-studies in the previous activity.
  5. Advocacy campaign to change the legal and policy housing framework in order to stop forced evictions, increase the social hosing stock, and make the distribution of social housing equitable; drafting a policy paper to this end. Organizing round tables with decision makers in the communities where the case studies come from in order to find solutions for these communities.

Timeline: October 2018 – September 2019.

Supported by a grant from the Foundation Open Society Institute in cooperation with the OSIFE of the Open Society Foundations. Total budget: $63,249 ($3,500 co-financing by CLR).

Announcement: The Centre for Legal Resources is looking for journalists (in RO)