Media kit

January 2018

In order for Romania to become a country where the intrinsic dignity of the human being is truly recognized and respected, a profound change of paradigm is needed; and as regards the way in which they are perceived, dealt with in practice, but also in legislation, when it comes to persons with intellectual disabilities / mental health problems.

Read here the document “Equal recognition by the law of persons with intellectual disabilities / mental health problems – general framework and change needs in Romania” .


We continued to report on the situation of people with disabilities within the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism on the occasion of the assessment of Romania in January 2018. Read more here Romania under the UN magnifying glass from the human rights perspective.


Mobile Legal Clinic, Final Report

Structured on several chapter, the Report includes an analysis of the observance of the right of “access to justice” from the perspective of the centers monitored under the Project, as well as of the
cases received by the Center for Legal Resources. Chapter two focuses on an analysis of the impact of the results of the implementation of the projects financed under the ROP 2007-2013, as well as the analysis of the strategies of the projects that will be financed through ROP 2014-2020, from the point of view of respecting the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted at New York, by the United Nations General Assembly, on 13 December 2006. It ends with a series of General Recommendations. Read the full report here.


The CLR submitted to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (which supervises the execution of ECHR decisions) information on the implementation of the ECHR decision, Center for Legal Resources on behalf of Valentin Câmpeanu v. Romania

The press release contains information about:

  • termination of the protocol under which the CLR carried out monitoring visits to institutions under the GDSAC (General Direction for Social Assistance and Child Protection);
  • the inefficiency of the prosecution in the protection of persons with institutionalized disabilities;
  • the inadequate system of guardianship / legal representation that creates situations of conflict of interest;
  • The situation of deaths in residential institutions for people with intellectual disabilities or with mental health problems.

Find the public letter here.


The CoE Commissioner for Human Rights expresses serious concern about stopping CLR’s access in residential centers for people with intellectual disabilities / mental health problems, which seriously undermines the rights of these people

The Commissioner published on 10.09.2017 on his own website the correspondence with the Romanian authorities, here.

Read the Commissioner’s letter followed by the Romanian translation here.

Read the answer of the Minister of Labor and Social Justice followed by the Romanian translation here.


Within the framework of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Romania mechanism, the Center for Legal Resources has sent a contribution on the situation of the rights of persons with mental disabilities institutionalized in Romania. Read the contribution here.


The Commissioner for Human Rights of the CoE – deeply concerned about the situation of people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, institutionalized in Romania

“I am deeply worried that serious abuses committed to institutionalized people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities are still very common and reported by organizations with expertise in the field.”

This is how the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe begins his letter to Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu, a tough letter expressing many times “deep concern” on the treatment of people with disabilities, as well as on the lack of involvement of authorities in protecting them, in thorough investigation of the deceases. This happens while the Romanian authorities ignore the problems of these vulnerable people and even classify the criminal complaints filed by the CLR and the CJM experts, in which we come up with clear evidence of violation of their rights.

Read the Commissioner’s letter and the answer of Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu. We also remind you of our visit to CRRN Maciuca.


UN Special Rapporteurs write to the Romanian state, expressing their deep concern regarding the situation in CRRN Măciuca and asking it to take action

Read the document here.


Press release about the visit of the “Legal Mobile Clinic” experts at the Maciuca centre. Click here