Seminar on the “Access to justice for children with mental disabilities”

On the 27th and 28th of April 2015, the Centre for Legal Resources has organized a seminar dedicated to a mixed audience: judges, prosecutors, representatives of local authorities with attributes and responsibilities regarding child protection and social assistance as well from different areas around the country, like Prahova, Vâlcea, Sibiu, Brașov counties and Bucharest. The fact that we managed to bring together people with different professional backgrounds, but part of the same system that has to work as a whole to ensure the adequate access to justice for children with mental disabilities.

Among the speakers, we’ve had psychologists, representatives of NGOs that provide community services to persons with mental disabilities, parents of children with mental disabilities and representatives of parent associations, of course, together with CLR’s experts on the rights of institutionalised persons with mental disabilities.

Adela Sălceanu, Medic psihiatru
Adela Sălceanu, Psychiatrist
Mădălina Turza, Centrul European pentru Drepturile Copiilor cu Dizabilități
Mădălina Turza, European Centre for the Rights of Children with Disabilities
Georgiana Pascu, Manager Program „Pledoarie pentru demnitate”, CRJ
Georgiana Pascu, “Advocte for Dignity” Programme Manager, CLR
Georgiana Iorgulescu, director executiv CRJ
Georgiana Iorgulescu, CLR’s Executive Director
Cerasela Predescu, Pro ACT Suport
Cerasela Predescu, Pro ACT Suport (community services NGO)
Georgiana Pascu, Manager Program „Pledoarie pentru demnitate” CRJ
Georgiana Pascu,”Advocate for Dignity” Programme Manager, CLR
Irina Kuglay, Procuror, Consilier al Procurorului General al României
Irina Kuglay, Prosecutor, Counselor of the General Prosecutor of Romania
Georgiana Iorgulescu, director executiv CRJ
Georgiana Iorgulescu, CLR’s Executive Director