Conference “Corruption prevention mechanisms related to EU funded projects”

Centre for Legal Resources announces the conference “Corruption prevention mechanisms related to EU funded projects” on 28th of June 2018, Intercontinental Hotel. The conference has over 15 speakers from 6 E.U. Member States (Romania, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Netherlands) and 1 E.U. Candidate Country (Albania). The conference is organised in partnership with the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration.

Among speakers:

Michael LEVI – Criminology Professor, University of Cardiff. He played an advisory role both internationally (with the European Commission, Europol, Council of Europe, UN and World Economic Forum) and nationally (with the UK Home Office and Cabinet Office, and with the Crime Statistics Advisory Committee).

Frank MICHLIK, Head of Fraud Prevention, Reporting and Analysis Unit, The European Anti Fraud Office.

Anne DE MOUSSAC, Adjoint au chef du pôle juridique et études /  Deputy Head of the Legal and studies division, Haute Autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique

The conference aims to create networks and structural platforms between Member States and candidate countries in order to facilitate the exchange of information, experience and best practices among professionals involved in protecting EU’s financial interests. Corruption is a salient issue undermining EU’s financial interests. OLAF 2016 report highlight that “there is one other common thread running through OLAF’s investigations in general, and the public procurement ones in particular, that would be the existence and use of corruption”. Mr. Giovanni Kessler, Director-General of OLAF pointed out that “corruption is still an almost universal aspect found in our cases”.

The conference is supported by the European Union Programme Hercule III (2014-2020).

Download the conference presentation.

Participation to the conference is invitation only. If you would like to attend please contact us at