About the project

Project Objectives:

  • Improving the legal and institutional framework on the protection of rights of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities and their right to live independently in the community
  • Improving respect for the right to health for the most vulnerable groups of people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities (persons living in congregated facilities, deprived of their liberty or in rural and remote locations)
  • Developing the capacity of the relevant stakeholders in administrative, judiciary and civil society to act for the protection of the fundamental rights of persons with disabilities

Main activities:

– COVID-19: protecting the life and the rights of institutionalized persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities and elderly
Objective: Safeguarding the right to access to healthcare and the right to liberty and security of institutionalized persons with disabilities and elderly persons living in residential centers and nursing facilities during the state of emergency caused by the COVID-19.

– The right to live independently – Push against the regression of deinstitutionalization and speed-up the deinstitutionalization process in Romania. Objective: to push against the regression of the deinstitutionalization process and for the acceleration of the deinstitutionalization process in accordance with the art.19 UNCRPD and for the adequate use of the current and future EU funds for a proper deinstitutionalization process and for community living.

Implementation Period:

July 2020 – July 2022


The Open Society Mental Health Initiative