Leaving from the reality that Roma represent the ethnic minority which faces one of the highest degrees of rejection in Europe, the NET-KARD project aims to contribute to tackling this reality by improving and transfering the already existing body of methodological experience in combating Roma discrimination to the different countries part of the project.
In an integrated approach, the main aim of NET-KARD is to provide resources to key professionals in preventing discrimination against Roma as well as to foster networking mechanisms and working methodologies among these key agents in the fight against discrimination and support for victims, namely: lawyers and jurists, police services, Roma associations and media professionals.
The main deliverables of the project include drafting research on the situation of discrimination, as well as practical guides on combating disrimination for the abovementioned professional categories.
The project is fincanced through the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union, and aside from the Centre for Legal Resources, has as partners: Fundación Secretariado Gitano (Spania) – coordinator, Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza/Portugal, Associação (EAPN Portugal) (Portugal), Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural, I.P. (Portugal), Fundaţia Secretariatul Romilor (Romania), Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali (Italy), IISMAS – Instituto Internaţionale Scienze Mediche Antropologiche e Sociali (Italy).
Guides in English:
Human rights litigation on behalf of the Roma. A guide for lawyers
Practical guide for police services to prevent discrimination against the Roma communities
Practical guide for media professionals to prevent discrimination against the Roma communities
Practical guide for NGOs to prevent discrimination against the Roma communities