The Centre for Legal Resources (CLR) implements in Romania the project entitled „RED – combating rasism, xenophobia and intolerance” during February 2011 – January 2013. Theproject is co-funded by the European Commission.
The launch of the project took place on 19th July 2012 in Bucharest.
The RED Network is an independent research network composed by 18 research and civil society organizations in EU Member States (the list of these organizations can be accessed at
The network aims at reporting and documenting racist and hate crime and discrimination situations and incidents, as well as positive initiatives and policy responses in 17 countries covered at the moment in the project (for more details see
The network is coordinated by i-RED, Institute of Rights Equality & Diversity, based in Greece.
RED System
The dissemination of the project and raising awareness on racism, xenophobia and intolerance in EU is carried out by the web portal RED, which is a map-based, user friendly independent tool providing a birds’ eye overview of the situation regarding racism, xenophobia and discrimination against migrants and ethnic minorities, but also against sexual and religious minorities or persons with disabilities, as well as positive and policy initiatives promoting equality in different EU Member States. The web portal has two main components: the RED Early Warning System and the RED Atlas of Racism, Discrimination & Equality. Beside these components, the portal contains also a RED Library and a Dictionary, as well as sections where the most important news and events in the field are published. At the moment, the portal is completed and updated continuously.
The RED Early Warning Sistem
The Early Warning System covers the following:
o Racist & hate crime alerts / situations / incidents in EU Member States
o Policy responses / positive initiatives regarding racism xenophobia and discrimination
o Case Studies (combination of more of the above items for a more spherical understanding of situations and context)
RED Atlas of Racism, Discrimination and Equality
It contains a set of 125 policy, legislation and factual questions/indicators and of 38 key statistic and demographic figures. These indicators expand beyond the main areas combating racism, hate crime and discrimination against migrants and minorities, to the themes of equality and good practice in the RED Network member states.
The RED Atlas reports:
o Information on racism & discrimination legislation & policy implementation in key areas of legislation and social life
o Statistics of racist-hate crime and discrimination
o Statistics – demographics and economics of migrants & minorities
o Trendsand developments in key areas.
RED Library
The RED System contains also a Library, which includes the most relevant reports, sources of information and important documents for racism, discrimination and equality in the Member States.
RED Thesaurus
It is a unique collection and a dictionary of most frequent, new and old, emerging and transforming racist stereotypes, stigmatising and labelling of ethnic and cultural groups, migrant and social minorities who are victimised or at risk of victimisation in the Member States.
Contact persons:
· Delia Niţă, Anti-discrimination Program Manager, e-mail: delia @ crj . ro
· Ágnes Csonta, Anti-discrimination Program Assistant, e-mail: agnes @ crj . ro.