Last week at the UN Human Rights Council, the report on the Universal Periodic Review of Romania was formally adopted, a review done from a human rights perspective. The Centre for Legal Resources participated at this stage with two interventions (speeches) in reaction to Romania’s position as to the recommendations received. The topics we tackled in these interventions look at: the refusal of the Romanian Government to introduce sexual and reproductive health education into the mandatory school curricula, the situation of Roma in Romania but also about the situation of institutionalized people with disability.
You can watch the recording of the speeches here: Item 6, UPR adoption Romania, Speaker 12:
and here
Item 6 – General debate, Speaker 22:
The text of the speeches can be accessed by clicking here and here.
Read more about CLR’s participation within this cycle of the Universal Periodic Review of Romania:
Contact person: Delia Niță, Human Rights Officer, +40729120383,