Non-discrimination, beyond words
The project aims at raising awareness about the high level of Romanian society to accept and internalise hate speech within the public space and to capacitate citizens to identify, report and combat hate speech, including through de-constructing of bias towards various groups vulenrable to discrimination (mith busting of bias), providing tools and easy access to information.
Read more about it here.
INTEGRIS Project: Integrated Support for Human Rights
INTEGRIS aims to support and strengthen the capacity of vulnerable groups to exercise and defend their fundamental rights and to combat discrimination and it addresses to people belonging to groups vulnerable to discrimination, especially women, Roma and LGBT+ people, from all over the country. The project is also aimed at lawyers and legal specialists, representatives of NGOs working with people belonging to vulnerable groups, public authorities providing support services, as well as the general public.
Read more about it here.
CHAT for victims
The CHAT for victims project was developed with the objective to improve access to information and support for persons with disabilities who are victims of crime. The project will achieve this goal by developing a live-chat service adapted to the communication needs of persons with disabilities, with emphasis on persons with voice, hearing, intellectual and psychosocial impairments/disabilities.
Read more about it here.
INTERSECT – Changing the narrative of discrimination
The project INTERSECT – Changing the narrative of discrimination aims at fighting against discrimination of Roma, through activities on raising awareness on discrimination and its negative impact on society; and a strong component of empowering the Roma at local level and promoting their participation in developing, implementing and monitoring policies that affect them. It also supports the capacity building of Roma and pro-Roma civil society at local level.
The innovative aspect of the project is putting on the agenda the LGBT Roma, a group affected by multiple discrimination.
Read more about it here.
VICToRIIA- Best Practices in Victims’ Support: Referrals, Information, Individual Assessment
The VICToRIIA project, funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020), is based on two sets of objectives and problems, relating to: 1) the practical implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU stablishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime (the Victims Directive) – in particular articles 4 and 8; and 2) the operation of victim support services. Its main target group is represented by law enforcement agencies, victim support organizations, specialised lawyers for crime victims and other stakeholders engaged in victims’ support.
Read more about it here.
Closing the circle – Roma housing vulnerability and the interests in the field of housing
The project puts together journalists and human rights activists to work in Roma communities who are in situations of housing vulnerability, investigating the causes and effects of the situation for those communities and then implements an advocacy campaign for structural change.
Read more about it here.
The Equality Alliance
The Equality Alliance is an informal network without the status of legal entity.
The mission of the Alliance is to combat hate and discrimination, to promote diversity and equality of chances for all within the broader framework of human rights protection, and the principles and values of a democratic society in Romania.
Read more about it here.
Victim-centered Approach to Improving Support Services
General objective:Â The project aims to contribute to the increase of the visibility and transparency of the public debate on how children are educated within schools from a nondiscriminatory perspective and in order to increase the educational inclusion of those vulnerable.